“You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.”
— Edmund Burke
— Edmund Burke
AFCR is not organized for profit, but rather operates exclusively for the promotion of social welfare – particularly, the preservation of citizens’ fundamental rights as protected by the United States Constitution, the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, and the Nuremberg Code. Although we defend all constitutional and human rights, we are particularly devoted to protecting the rights listed below through awareness initiatives and education – while holding accountable those who would seek to infringe upon these rights – through awareness campaigns, investigations, litigation, and referrals for prosecution:
The right to bodily autonomy and freedom from sexual violence
The right to freedom of speech and the press
The right to peaceably assemble
The right to establish and freely practice religion
The right to petition the government for a redress of grievances
The right to privacy – including the right to protect one’s home, body, documents, and medical records from unreasonable searches or seizures
The right to a confidential physician-patient relationship, including the right to informed consent, and the right to be free from forced medical procedures, unwanted medical control or invasion into one’s body
We are a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.